The following are the application procedures for members securing a loan:
1. Fill-up on line application form and submit to Credit Committee or Loan Staff:
2. Loan staff or General Manager receives the loan and submits it to Credit Committee.
3. Credit Committee checks for loan and payment standing, (coordinate with the Treasurer if necessary)
and background checks the applicant.
4. Credit Committee approves loan, affixes signature on application form and submits to the Chairman for
final approval.
5. The Chairman will approve the loan application and forwarded to the General Manager or Loan Staff
for preparation of check voucher, promissory note (to be signed by the borrower and co-maker), and other
6. Applicant the verify loan status regularly with the Loan Staff. If application is approved and
available, the corresponding Loan Staff releases the Loan proceeds.
The process of approval and releasing must not exceed SEVEN (7) working days unless funds are not
available. In that case, the applicant shall be duly notified and scheduled if deemed necessary.